Profile: V3_Compass (326)
State: AutoLocation Location [ Configuration:Location Report Name: V3_Compass ]
State: Variable Value [ %V3_DrivingMode Set ]
Enter: V3_Compass (327)
Back in the system startup task, we initialized an AutoLocation routine that began tracking GPS data and gave it the instance name of "V3_Compass". This profile watches for any updates in the data from that instance and fires off its entry task when something changes.
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%index To:((floor((%albearing+11.25)/
The above line converts the bearing information into an index variable in the range of 1 to 16 with 1 representing North and 16 being all the way around the compass ring at NNW.
A2: Variable Set [ Name:%V3_Heading To:%V3_Compass(%index) Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
This line just applies the index of the %V3_Compass array that holds the list of possible directions and sets the %V3_Heading value with it. That variable is used as the source for a text element on both the V3_RH and V3_MapSpeedometer scenes.
A3: Variable Set [ Name:%V3_Sprnd To:round((%alspeed*2.
This line converts the speed returned by AutoLocation into miles per hour (rounded to the nearest tenth) and sets %V3_Sprnd equal to it. That variable is used as a source on the V3_MapSpeedomter screen. The primary speed display on the main screen does not use this value since Torque is able to read GPS data on its own and put it into a gauge display.
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