V3_TimeAndTorque (336)
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%mytime To:%TIME Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A2: Variable Split [ Name:%mytime Splitter:. Delete Base:Off ]
A3: Variable Set [ Name:%mytime1 To:%mytime1-12 Do Maths:On Append:Off ] If [ %mytime1 > 12 ]
A4: Variable Set [ Name:%mytime To:%mytime1:%mytime2 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A5: Variable Set [ Name:%V3_DispTime To:%mytime Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
It would have been much easier to just link Tasker's built in %TIME variable to an on-screen display but, unfortunately, it only reports out in 24-hour time; and I wanted a 12-hour display, so I need to manipulate the data a bit.
It's pretty straight forward: The %TIME variable is copied into a local variable (%mytime) and split into variables holding the hour (%mytime1) and the minutes (%mytime2). We then subtract 12 from the hour, but only if it's greater than 12. So, for example, 10 is left alone but 15 has 12 subtracted from it to yield 3.
We then concatenate the hours, a ":", and the minutes back into the %mytime variable and set the global variable %DispTime equal to it. %DispTime, of course, is the source for a text element on the main display.
The Z3's analog gas gauge has the disturbing habit of going along saying, "Yup, Everything's fine; plenty of gas. No problem here, Chief. We can go a long way yet". Until it gets down to about a third of a tank. Then it starts sucking it down like a thirsty drunk on Dollar Pitcher Night. That's one reason there are three displays dealing with gas mileage on the main screen. The following part of the task is designed to wake me up if I'm not paying attention and let me know that it's time to start looking for some 91-octane go-juice.
A6: Run Shell [ Command:/data/data/burrows.
Every five seconds Torque adds a new line to its log file with several pieces of information, including the "Estimated Distance To Empty" (EDE) that it calculates using the current MPG and the vehicle profile I set up. Since I only want to know the latest information, I use the "tail" command, which simply reads in the last line of the file (tracklog.csv) and stores it in a local variable (%obd_log).
A7: Variable Split [ Name:%obd_log Splitter:, Delete Base:Off ]
I then split the base variable so that I can access the one piece of data that I really want.
A8: Test Element [ Scene Name:V3_LH Element:LowFuel Test:Element Visibility Store Result In:%lowdistanceindicator Continue Task After Error:On ]
The line above tests the LowFuel element on the V3_LH scene to see if it is visible or not and stores the result in %lowdistanceindicator.
A9: If [ %obd_log6 < 60 & %lowdistanceindicator ~ false ]
The next thing we do is test to see if the indicator is still invisible and the EDE (stored in the 6th position of the data array) has fallen below my set point; in this case, 60 miles.
A10: Element Visibility [ Scene Name:V3_LH Element Match:LowFuel Set:True Animation Time (MS):0 ]
If both of those conditions are true, we make the LowFuel element (a translucent red square) be visible over the Distance To Empty element on the screen.
A11: Say [ Text:Warning. Range limit is under sixty miles. Engine:Voice:default:default Stream:3 Pitch:5 Speed:4 Respect Audio Focus:On Network:Off Continue Task Immediately:Off Continue Task After Error:On ]
A12: End If
We also give a verbal warning before ending the test started back in line 9. The reason for doing it this way is that I want a verbal warning when low range point is first reached, but after that I only want the indicator to stay lit. Once the conditions in the test have been met for the first time, the second part of the test will fail since the indicator is already on; so no repeated verbal warnings. If I just tested the EDE, the system would be yelling at me about every 30 seconds.
A13: If [ %obd_log6 > 60 & %lowdistanceindicator ~ true ]
A14: Element Visibility [ Scene Name:V3_LH Element Match:LowFuel Set:False Animation Time (MS):0 ]
A15: End If
This routine clears the visual indicator when the EDE rises above 60 again. That is, when I fill up and tell Torque that I have plenty of gas again.
A16: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:25 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A17: Goto [ Type:Action Number Number:1 Label: ]
The task finishes by going back to sleep again. When it wakes up, it starts all over at line one. Doing it this way means that the clock isn't accurate to the second, but it's close enough for what I want.
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