This is a pair of very simple profiles that handle updating the main screen element that shows the tablet's current power status. In addition to displaying the remaining battery percentage, it also shows whether or not the tablet is plugged in by underlining the battery value when it detects a external power connection
Profile: V3_TabletPluggedIn (337)
State: Power [ Source:Any ]
State: Variable Value [ %V3_DrivingMode Set ]
Enter: V3_ShowTabletCharging (338)
State: Power [ Source:Any ]
State: Variable Value [ %V3_DrivingMode Set ]
Enter: V3_ShowTabletCharging (338)
Pretty simple profile. Just watches for any power source when the digital dash is active and runs its entry task. When power is removed, it runs the exit task.
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%V3_BatteryDisplay To:%BATT% Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
This single-line task uses Tasker's ability to display HTML in a text element to wrap the battery value in underline tags. I don't use Tasker's built-in %BATT value directly because I want to add the % at the end.
Exit: V3_ShowTabletNotCharging (339)
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%V3_BatteryDisplay To:%BATT% Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
The exit task just removes the HTML tags.
There is a separate profile to track changes to the battery level.
Profile: V3_TrackBatteryLevel (356)
Event: Battery Changed
Event: Battery Changed
State: Variable Value [ %V3_DrivingMode Set ]
Enter: V3_UpateBatteryLevel (357)
Again, very simple. When the battery level changes while the dash is running, this profile runs its entry task. There is no exit task.
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%V3_BatteryDisplay To:%BATT% Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A2: Variable Set [ Name:%V3_BatteryDisplay To:%BATT% Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %PACTIVE ~R V3_TabletPluggedIn ]
The first line just updates the %V3_BatteryDisplay variable when the tablet is not externally powered. The second line does the same thing, but it checks to see if the V3_TabletPluggedIn profile is currently active. If it is, the the HTML underline tags are added to the display variable.
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