Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Adding Tech to a Z3 - Part 2

I've made some major changes to my in-car tech project, so I thought it was time for an update.  Once again, you'll need to click the link to get to the pdf if you want to read the whole thing, but here's the first paragraph:

"When I did the previous post about my car dock project (which I’m now calling a “Digital Dashboard”) I wrote: “This is probably not an optimal solution and I’m sure I’ll be tweaking it over time…”  I know myself pretty well, so that wasn’t exactly going out on a limb: still, even I’m somewhat surprised by how much this project has changed and grown.  I’ve replaced some of the hardware and not only rewritten the software, but have taken it in a completely different direction."

And here's the link to the whole piece:
 Digital Dashboard


Unknown said...

Hey Mike,

I really liked your post about adding some technology to your car. I am currently experimenting with a similar project but messing up with the tasker scenes. Would love to take a look at your implementation if you are willing to share...

Thanks again for a good read,

Mike said...

Hi, George:

Glad you liked the piece, thanks. I'm happy to share anything I've created, but the project is a bit of a monster with dozens of profiles, scenes and tasks spread over a number of Tasker projects. I'f there's something specific that you'd like to see, let me know and I'll send it to you.


Unknown said...

Hey Mike,

good to see your answer mate. I wouldn't mind checking the lot to be frank since the way I understand it, you must see the project as a whole.
If that is ok with you of course, you could upload the tasker project to a dropbox-like service.

Thanks in advance,

Mike said...

Ok. Let me see what I can do. Projects within Tasker are really more of an organizational tool since they don't really isolate variables and you can use profiles and tasks that are in different projects, which is what I'm doing in this case. I'll try to pull them all into a single project and post a link to that.

Unknown said...

Alright mate, i'll be patiently waiting for your post. Thanks in advance.

Mike said...

Sorry this took so long. When I started to pull it together I realized there was no way it was going to work; I had profiles and tasks scattered over several previous versions of the project. So I basically re-did the whole thing. It's now much more organized and understandable (I hope). Here's the link where you can download a zip folder from Dropbox:

It contains the project file and all the graphic elements. I was asking on the Tasker group, and it seems like you'll need to reload the graphics once you have the project imported; doesn't seem to be any way around that.

Let me know if you have questions or if this doesn't work.

(This doesn't contain the phone side of things. I'll pull that together next. In the meantime, you can just run the V3_Startup task to initiate the system.)